#Sisiphus - Albert Camus

Whether life is worth living is the most important question; all comes afterwards.

Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined, to peel apart reality.

Suicide is rarely committed through reflection.

Killing yourself amounts to confessing.

We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking.

Does the Absurd dictate death?

Suicide as a result of reaching the waterless deserts of our mind's boundaries.

Continue the dialogue of absurdity, hope, and death. Observe those odd regions.

Absurdity is transient but ever-present.

Longing for tomorrow, where everything in him ought to reject it; this revolt is the absurd.

Death cannot be experienced; we base everything on projections of others' deaths.

All thought is anthropomorphic.

Knowledge is what I can feel and touch. The rest is construction.

Absurd is the confrontation of the irrationality of this world and the longing for clarity in us.

Heidegger: The finite character of existence is steeped deeper than man himself.

Rationalism stumbles on the irrationality of human thought.

Absurdity arises from comparison.

There can be no absurd outside the human mind.

Struggle implies a total absence of hope (which has nothing to do with despair), a continual rejection (which must not be confused with renunciation), and a conscious dissatisfaction (which must not be compared to immature unrest).

We can't free ourselves from something once found as truth.

Chestov: God is for the impossible. For the possible, people suffice.

The "leap" - absurd as a criterion of the other world, not as residue of the experience of this world.

The absurd is sin without God.

For the existentials negation is their God. To be precise, that god is maintained only through the negation of human reason.

Thinking is not unifying or making the appearance familiar under the guise of a great principle. Thinking is learning all over again how to see, directing one’s consciousness, making of every image a privileged place. In other words, phenomenology declines to explain the world, it wants to be merely a description of actual experience. It confirms absurd thought in its initial assertion that there is no truth, but merely truths.

Reason and irrational lead to the same preaching.

Absurd is divorce between the mind that desires and the world that disappoints.

Life will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.

I have lost the sense of hierarchy. The only conception of freedom I can have is that of the prisoner or the individual in the midst of the State. The only one I know is freedom of thought and action. Now if the absurd cancels all my chances of eternal freedom, it restores and magnifies, on the other hand, my freedom of action. That privation of hope and future means an increase in man’s availability.

The absurd enlightens me on the fact that there is no future.

Three consequences of the absurd: revolt, freedom, and passion.

Everything is permitted does not mean that nothing is forbidden.

More experience increases the chance of life.

Love and everything else can have multiple meanings, thus the absurd man is liberated.

The absurd man doesn't chase, he experiences.